The first "privilege" I ever got as a child was the old "running the microphone" duty. At first, I couldn't wait to do it, but in time I realized that if I messed up somehow, I would be chastised for it after the meeting.
After awhile, I hated running the mics, so I asked to advance to "stage duty," which turned out to be worse! Now if I didn't adjust the microphone on time or at the right angle for the speaker, or if I set up the chairs incorrectly or something like that, I could chastised and corrected in front of everyone, on the spot!
So, I asked to graduate to "sound room" duty. Again, this was even worse than the other two! If the records skipped (yes, I'm that old, and we used phonograph records for our music when I was youngster) or if I put on the wrong song, or let the song run into the next one afterwards... now I ruined the entire meeting!
So, I asked to work the literature counter, but found out if I over ordered, or under ordered, or ordered correctly but the people didn't pick up their stuff on time, that was even worse! Now I was wasting our congregations money!
Aye ya yay!
By then, I was able to start reading for the Watchtower... but, no, wait! That was EVEN WORSE...
Need I go on?